Library of Things: Cooking | Estes Valley Library Library of Things: Cooking – Estes Valley Library
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Library of Things: Cooking

Book cover: Cookie cutters: Christmas
Contents: 10 cookie cutters in Christmas shapes – storage tin – kit tag
Book cover: Cake decorating: Frosting
Give your cake a professional touch with tools for creating even frosting. Contents: Aluminum turntable -- folding cake leveler/tierer -- icing spatula -- 3 icing combs -- carrying case -- kit tag.
Book cover: Canning
Use this Ball 21-quart water bath canner to can fruits, salsas, pickles, jams, jellies, and more. Contents: The All-New Ball Book of Canning & Preserving (book), Ball Fresh Preserving kit including 21-qt. canner with jar rack, jar lifter, lid lifter, funnel, headspace tool, lid strap, kit tag. You will also need: canning jars with new lids and bands, not included.
Book cover: Cake Pan: T-Rex
The dinosaur birthday cake will be the hit of the party when you bake your favorite recipe or mix in the Wilton T-Rex 3-D dinosaur cake pan. Contents and replacment costs: one Wilton T-Rex Cake Pan -- one copy of the book: Decorating Cakes: A Reference & Idea Book -- tag for kit.
Book cover: Cake decorating: Piping
Create decorative effects with a set of 12 piping tip shapes. Contents: 12 stainless steel decorating tips -- 4 couplers (free replacement) -- latching case with tip holder -- kit tag -- disposable pastry bags (refill).
Book cover: Candy melter
Electric, easy-clean candy melting pot warms chocolate or candy melts for pouring and dipping fruit, pretzels, or cake pops. Learn to make filled chocolate bonbons with the included molds. Candy thermometer is handy for all kinds of kitchen projects. Contents: Wilton Candy Melting Pot, Wilton Succulents candy mold, polycarbonate hemisphere chocolate mold, candy thermometer, manual, carry bag, kit tag
Book cover: Cake Pan: Paw Print
A must-have for all animal and dessert lovers! Make adorable animal paw print cakes with this shaped cake pan. Kit includes: one Paw Print Cake Pan -- one copy of the book: Decorating Cakes: A Reference & Idea Book.
Book cover: Cookie cutters: Hanukkah
Contents: 4 cookie cutters in Hanukkah shapes – storage tin – kit tag
Book cover: Cookie cutters: Snowflakes
Contents: 10 cookie cutters in snowflake shapes – storage tin – kit tag
Book cover: Cookie cutters: Shapes
Contents: 10 cookie cutters in geometric shapes – storage box – kit tag
Book cover: Cake Pan: Teddy Bear
Contents: Wilton Bear Cake Pan -- Decorating Cakes (book) -- carrying case -- Library tags
Book cover: Cookie Stamps
Create 3D geometric designs on cookie dough! Contents: 3 Nordicware cookie stamps, 3” circle cutter, storage bag, kit tag
Book cover: Cake Pan: Spiderman
Spin a web of sweetness for your child's next birthday party with a superhero cake using this Spiderman-shaped pan. Contents: one Wilton Ultimate Spiderman Cake Pan (replacement cost -- one copy of the book: Decorating Cakes: A Reference and Idea Book (replacement cost -- tag for kit.
Book cover: Cake pan: Donuts
Kit includes: one Wilton 6-cavity Donut Baking Pan (replacement cost -- one copy of the book: The Easy Baked Donut Cookbook: 60 Sweet and Savory Recipes (replacement cost -- tag for kit.
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