Exhibit & Display | Estes Valley Library Exhibit & Display – Estes Valley Library
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Monday–Thursday: 10 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 10 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

Estes Valley Public Library District (Library) exhibit and display spaces are designed to support Library programs and services. The Library also provides these spaces to community based organizations, agencies, and residents of the Estes Valley for the exhibition of, historical, artistic, educational, or other material of general interest to the community.

Areas designated for displays and exhibits are at the discretion of the Library Director based on available space. Library use of display areas takes precedence over any other use. The Library reserves the right, without notice, to cancel the use of the display areas by outside exhibitors  for any reason. 

Requests for display space will be considered in the order in which they are received. The Library Director shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability of display space.

The Library’s provision of exhibit and display space to non-library related groups does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the policies, views, or beliefs of the group.


Please refer to the Free Speech Policy set for more information.

The Estes Valley Library Exhibit and Display Policy was adopted and approved by the Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees on April 17, 2006 and revised on March 15, 2010, July 22, 2013 and September 19, 2016, reviewed on October 21, 2019 and revised on September 18, 2023.

Lynn Lawson, President                Anne Dewey, Secretary 

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