Makerspace | Estes Valley Library Makerspace – Estes Valley Library
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Monday–Thursday: 10 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 10 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

The Estes Valley Public Library District (Library) brings people, ideas, and opportunities together for the enrichment of our community. The Makerspace extends those commitments into “the world of making” by providing access to a wide variety of equipment and tools during open lab hours, and by offering classes and programs for guided exploration.


Equipment and tools in the Makerspace are available at no charge to community members with a valid library card, generally on a first come, first served basis.

  • Specific tools or equipment may be reserved for projects at the discretion of staff.
  • During classes or programs, individuals may not use other tools and equipment without prior authorization by staff.
  • The Makerspace may be used only for lawful purposes. The public is prohibited from using tools or equipment to create material that is:
    • Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
    • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
    • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment.
    •  In violation of another’s intellectual property rights.
  • The Library reserves the right to halt, delete, or disallow the creation of items that violate Library policies,copyright (Title 17, United States Code) and patent law (Title  35, United States Code).
  • The Library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality of workmanship of any of the tools, materials or equipment supplied by the Library, nor is it responsible for loss or damage to personal property or files.
  • The Library reserves the right to disallow project elements and patron-supplied materials or tools from the Makerspace.

All Makerspace users must sign a waiver and terms of use agreement document before any Makerspace equipment or resources may be used.

  • For Makerspace patrons aged 17 and under, parents must sign a youth waiver.
  • Patrons aged 10 and under may use the Makerspace if supervised by an adult certified in the use of any equipment used.
  • Children under the age of 2 are not permitted in the Makerspace without supervision.
  • The Library reserves the right to deny Makerspace access if a patron violates any part of the Makerspace policy, or for any other misuse of the space, as determined by Library staff.

Patrons must participate in mandatory safety and use trainings (certification) in order to use specific tools and machinery. Patrons may not use these tools until certified , as confirmed by Library staff. The user’s library card will reflect the type of certification training received.

  • When using equipment or a tool that does not require training, the patron agrees that s/he is capable of using that item in a safe and appropriate manner.


  • Users (or if minors, their parents/guardians) are responsible for loss or damage to Library property, not associated with normal wear and tear, that is the result of inappropriate or unauthorized use of tools, equipment, or consumable materials, or for clean-up of the tools, equipment, or the space. Costs may be charged to a patron’s library account.

The Library reserves the right to schedule the Makerspace for other uses including community and library meetings when Makerspace activities are not scheduled.


Please refer to the Group, Internet and Patron Policy sets for more information.

The Estes Valley Library Makerspace Policy was adopted by the Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees on December 10, 2018, November 21, 2022.

John Krueger, President                                          Peter Johnson, Secretary

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