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Monday–Thursday: 9 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

Confidentiality of Library Records

Estes Valley Library (Library) patrons have the legal right to privacy in their use of the Library as provided for in Colorado Library Law (CRS 24-90-119). This Law protects the fundamental freedom of privacy and confidentiality of a patron’s Library record. The Library will not disclose information about a cardholder’s record or use of the Library to anyone other than the cardholder (or a custodial parent or legal guardian for minors) without written permission from the cardholder except by court order. A custodial parent or legal guardian, who has access to a minor’s library card, can access the library records of a minor by electronic means. 

Records that may be required for controlling the use of Library materials, either on or off the Library premises, are for the sole purpose of protecting Library property. These records are not to be used directly or indirectly to identify the kinds of materials used by individual Library patrons, except when the Library can use such information to assist a patron in finding what she/he wants. It is the policy of the Library never to provide any information about its patrons or their use of the Library to any government agency, whether local, state, or federal, without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction. Once a subpoena or search warrant is received, the Library Director will consult with the Library’s Legal Counsel to determine if it is in proper form and if there is a valid basis for its issuance before providing any confidential information. In our taxpayer interests, all costs (including legal fees) that are incurred by the Library in any search through patron records, even under a court order, shall be chargeable to the agency requesting the search. 

The Library occasionally conducts informational campaigns to inform the community of our services. The Library at those times will use patron email or postal address for the Library’s internal mailing list. The Library will not sell, lease, or otherwise distribute or disclose patron  personal information to any outside parties.

The Library reserves the right to use photographs or video taken at the library for publicity purposes. If a library patron does not wish themselves or their child to be photographed, the patron must notify the Library staff to that effect. No names will be used in conjunction with photos/video without express written consent.


Please refer to the Management Policy set for more information.

The Estes Valley Library Patron Privacy Policy was adopted and approved by the Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees on February 21, 2006. The policy was renamed Confidentiality of Library Records Policy, approved on April 20, 2009, revised on November 16, 2015, reviewed on April 16, 2018, and revised August 16, 2021.

John Krueger, President                                           Pete Johnson,  Secretary

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