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Monday–Thursday: 9 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

Patron Account Eligibility

Estes Valley Public Library District (Library) resources are available to Library cardholders. Anyone is eligible to become a cardholder by opening an Account at no charge. Valid photo identification (ID) is required in person at the time of registration, to replace a lost or stolen card, or to renew the Account once every three years. The Library treats all patron information as confidential as provided for in Colorado Library Law.

Account holders agree to return borrowed materials on time and assume responsibility for lost or damaged items. 

The Library provides four types of cardholder Accounts:

  1. District Resident: Persons 18 or older who maintain a residence within the Library District for longer than 6 months are considered Residents whether or not the property is their primary residence.  In addition to a photo ID, proof of District residency may include a rental agreement or proof of ownership.
    Residents under age 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present to open an Account. Estes Park School District R-3 student ID’s and Eagle Rock School student accounts function as public library cards.  The parent or legal guardian is financially responsible for the minor’s Account. Please refer to the individual school policies for more information.
    The Library offers home delivery service for qualifying District patrons.
  2. Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC): CLC is a reciprocal borrowing program. Anyone residing in the state of Colorado, paying local taxes for library service, and in possession of their home library card is eligible.  In return, Estes Valley Library Residents are eligible for CLC accounts at all other participating Colorado libraries.
  3. Non-District (eg, Greater Estes Valley): Because residents of Allenspark, Drake and other pockets of the Valley do not fall within Library District boundaries nor qualify as CLC borrowers, they are offered Accounts as Non-District cardholders.
  4. Visitor: All others may apply for a temporary Visitor card.  A Visitor card is good for 6 months. 

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Please refer to the Loan Periods, Renewals & Holds Policy for additional information.

The Estes Valley Library Card Eligibility Policy was adopted and approved by the Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees on December 11, 2006, and revised on November 16, 2009, April 21, 2014, December 14, 2015, March 18, 2019, August 19, 2019, May 16, 2022 and June 19, 2023.

Lynn Lawson, President                                                           John Krueger, Secretary

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