Roll up your sleeves: Maker March is here

March is known for St. Patrick’s Day, spring break, and weather that arrives like a lion and departs like a lamb (supposedly). Here at the public library, it’s also known as Maker March, a month-long celebration of Estes Valley crafters and creators.

The library’s second floor Makerspace is a popular place. Patrons can access state-of-the-art equipment like 3D printers, laser cutters, an embroidery machine, a Cricut, and much more. Makers of all ages are often found working on individual projects or attending training classes and library-hosted crafts. This month, join us for programs and collections that will help you discover your own maker spirit.

Check out one of our “intro” classes in March to learn crafting skills, like our new Intro to Needle Felting class that will teach the basics of using barbed needles to sculpt wool fibers into beautiful, intricate shapes. 

Ready to let the spring sunshine in? Try Intro to Stained Glass, a beginner-friendly workshop that will provide the fundamentals of cutting glass and soldering. Or, join a more easygoing craft: making suncatchers using the Cricut and alcohol ink.

If you’re more of an independent worker, reserve Makerspace equipment and visit the Makerspace during library open hours. Often a Makerspace guide is available to assist if you’re taking on a new challenge or have a question about equipment. Each week, guide hours are posted on the Library’s website calendar so you can time your crafting accordingly.

While many Makerspace services attract the adult crowd, makers of all ages can take advantage of Maker March. Tweens and teens can assemble mini bookcases, sew pajama pants, or even cook up some crepes. The littlest makers can get involved by heading to this month’s Storybook Explorers. We’ll read What Do We Do With All This Stuff by Anna Bardaus, then use upcycled materials to craft and play.  

While visiting the Makerspace, check out our maker-focused collection featured on the large display table in the first floor atrium. Browse the curated selection of books and Library of Things items that can support your own creative endeavors.

View all (and sign up for) Maker March programs on the library calendar.

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