Resources for Book Clubs
We ♥ book clubs! The Library is here to help your book discussion group find multiple copies of the books you’re reading- and to keep literary discussion thriving in our valley.
Here’s how we can help:
Choosing a title for your upcoming discussion? Check out these resources:
- The Colorado State Library Bookclub Resource. Browse the HUNDREDS of book club sets available there, and then request a book club set using our Book Club Request Form. When completing the form, be sure to note that you’re requesting a book club set from the Colorado State Library site.
- Online resources below, where you can find recommendations based on mood, country, literary prize winners, national surveys, and many other criteria.
- Ask a librarian! One of our staff may have the perfect recommendation.
Ready to obtain copies of your title? Here’s how:
- Check our catalog for availability. If you don’t need many copies, or are looking for a variety of formats, this may be the fastest way to get your books.
- Didn’t find what you were looking for (title, number of copies, formats, etc.)? We may be able to get it from other Colorado libraries! Fill out our Book Club Request Form and we’ll work to obtain what you need. If we weren’t successful, or if we have questions, we’ll follow up with you.
We recommend…
- Planning ahead. Pick your future titles at least three months in advance.
- Steering clear of bestsellers due to high demand — or waiting until the buzz dies down.
- Considering the classics! They’re often easiest to obtain.
- Checking out our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our resources and process.
Looking for a book club to join?
Library-led book clubs:
- One Book One Valley: Every January, the Estes Valley celebrates community and literacy by coming together in conversation around a single book.
- Book Club for Mortals: A book club that explores end-of-life issues with openness, curiosity, compassion, and often humor. Meets in the library, advance registration required.
And here are some community book clubs that welcome new members:
- Pinewood Springs Book Club: We generally meet the third or fourth Wednesday evening of each month in Pinewood Springs. We try to read all genres.
- Book Broads: Started in 2011, Book Broads is an open book club catering to the women of the Estes Valley. All are welcome, and we meet the last Sunday of the month at 4pm to discuss books of all kinds picked by our members.
Please contact the Library at to be connected with these book club leaders.
Other book club resources

The 100 List (from PBS’s The Great American Read)
America’s 100 best-loved novels, as chosen in a national survey.

Monthly book review publication. All of the content from the print edition is posted here.

Fantastic Fiction
An online catalog of authors and books for those of us who love to read fiction.

Good Reads’ mission is to help people find and share books they love.

Lit Lovers
WHAT we read, HOW we read, and HOW we THINK about our reading.

Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists — Fiction & General Nonfiction
To learn more about the Pulitzer Prizes, click on ‘About’ on the Pulitzer Prizes home page

Find your next read based on specific characteristics.
Book Club FAQ’s
How soon should we alert you to future titles our club is reading?
For best results, alert us at least three months in advance.
Can you guarantee that our books will be available to us on a certain date?
Unfortunately, we cannot. Our goal is to make your books available to you for the 4-5 weeks leading up to your discussion date. Given sufficient notice and availability, we can achieve that in most cases. However, due to variable transit times and other factors, we cannot guarantee a specific availability date.
How long will the books be available for checkout?
Because there are limits to how long we can keep the books we borrow from other libraries, we generally can’t make them available for more than 4-5 weeks. We set due dates so that we can return the books to their home libraries within a few days after the discussion date.
Are there titles that are difficult to acquire?
It’s best to avoid current bestsellers, as these will likely be checked out at most Colorado library locations, and therefore unavailable through Interlibrary Loan.
Is it helpful to provide backup options?
Yes! The more flexible you can be with titles and dates, the more flexibility we have to find a solution that works well for your book club. When you fill out the Book Club Request Form, please note any backup titles and dates in the Comments section.
What if I want a large print copy or an audiobook format?
If the title is available in the requested format, we’re happy to acquire it for you!
Are digital formats available?
Yes. Please fill out the book club request form and we can determine how best to work with your group.
Can our club meet at the Library?
We’d love to see you at the Library! Book clubs are welcome to reserve any of our public meeting spaces. Scheduling for the year begins in early November.
Who should I contact if I have more questions?
Please contact us at We can go over our processes, answer your questions, and explore how we can best serve your needs. We’re also happy to chat over the phone or meet with you at the Library.