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Monday–Thursday: 9 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

House Calls

The Estes Valley Library is pleased to host the House Calls program, providing library services to Estes Valley residents who are unable to visit the library because of:

  • Short or Long-term illness
  • Physical Challenges
  • Visual Limitations
  • Non-driver status (Senior)
  • Caregivers whose responsibilities make library visits difficult

The program matches patrons with library materials: including books (regular and Large Print), DVDs, audio books, magazines, and interlibrary loan services.

Delivery/pick-up is usually every two to four weeks.

House Calls Protocol

  • Deliveries are on the first and third Thursday of each month.
  • Materials from our collection or other lending libraries are renewable unless requested by other patrons.
  • Patrons do not need to worry about their Library account; a staff member will actively monitor it and renew items if necessary.
  • Return items are picked up on scheduled delivery days only. Patrons who have finished using an item before the delivery date should wait until the following scheduled delivery date for pickup.
  • Interruption or termination of service may happen if one of the following occurs:
    • The coordinator contacts the patron three times via phone or email and cannot reach them.
    • The patron does not return phone calls or respond to emails from the coordinator.
    • The patron does not return nonrenewable items during a scheduled delivery/pickup time.

Colorado Talking Books Library

The Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL) is a free library service that loans audio, braille, and large print books to people unable to read or handle print books.  Special audio players and much of the content is delivered by mail (free of charge) to the patron.  Talking Books are not JUST for the blind.

To make arrangements, contact Gretel Bock at (970) 586-8116, ext. 827.  If you would like to contact the Colorado Talking Books directly, please call (800) 685-2136.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for House Calls?  If you/or somebody you know are interested in receiving House Calls service, please call the library at 970-586-8116 and ask for Gretel or extension 827.

How do I know I will get materials I enjoy?  Before bringing materials to your home, the House Calls Librarian will call to schedule an interview.  At the first meeting, areas of interest will be discussed to provide a better understanding as to what types of authors and books you prefer.  Specific requests are always encouraged.

When will you be visiting?  Once we have met to discuss what you like we will schedule a time to visit your home to deliver materials.  Home visits are usually scheduled once or twice a month.

How long may I borrow the items you bring me?  The lending periods for all items through the House Calls Program are the same as those for all patrons.  You may renew your materials twice, as long as no other patron is waiting for them.

Is there any charge associated with homebound service?  No.  Our service is free.  Since we schedule pickup of materials, you will not accrue overdue charges.  You are responsible, however, for any loss or damages to library materials you borrow.

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