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Monday–Thursday: 9 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

Vision, Mission and Values


A connected Valley where people and ideas flourish.


To be a hub of community-driven resources for people to share.


With these 5 Values as our guide, the Library staff delivers exceptional benefits to our community, matched by a sense of professional pride in the organization.

Intellectual FreedomTo offer unrestricted access to the world of ideas, we:

  • respect confidentiality
  • encourage curiosity, and respond to all information requests
  • focus on objectivity, and refrain from polarizing discussion
  • respectfully acknowledge multiple viewpoints
  • provide an impartial setting for every individual to pursue their interests

Community – To foster connections as the village gathering place, we:

  • welcome everyone
  • build partnerships that strengthen community enable all people to solve problems, and achieve collective goals
  • facilitate resource-sharing with our neighbors and friends
  • create civic engagement opportunities and participate in civic celebrations

Hospitality & Service Excellence To provide service excellence in a welcoming environment, we:

  • inspire confidence 
  • provide assertive hospitality 
  • help patrons feel smart
  • convey sincere empathy and respect
  • look for ways to surprise and delight

Teamwork – To ensure a respectful workplace and cooperative culture, we:

  • maintain collegial relationships 
  • listen and communicate courteously 
  • refrain from gossip and address issues directly
  • value each individual’s unique contribution to our common goals
  • find humor and laugh daily

Professionalism – To demonstrate integrity in all we do, we:

  • deliver results, and use paid work time effectively
  • make efficient use of taxpayer and donor funds 
  • accept responsibility for our own actions and job performance
  • take the initiative to find resolutions when we make mistakes
  • are reliable, sincere, competent, and caring
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