We’ll Get It For You
Can’t find what you’re looking for? If you’ve searched our catalog and your item is not available, here’s how we can help:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Search Colorado Libraries

Find your item with a Prospector search and make a quick request, and our courier service will bring it to the Estes Valley Library at no charge to you! All you need is your Library card number. You’ll return your ILL items here at the Estes Valley Library, too.
If your computer blocks popups, use the Classic view: click “Classic” at the top of the Prospector site
Can’t find it in Prospector or need a little extra help? Fill out the ILL Request form and Library staff can assist you with your search and place requests out of state. There is no fee for out-of-state materials.
Interlibrary Loan FAQ
- How long will it take? Around 10 days.
- How much does it cost? All ILL requests are free for patrons as part of our agreements with participating organizations and libraries. Patrons are responsible for overdue or lost fees.
- How will I know when my item arrives? We’ll notify you by email or phone when your item is ready to pick up on our Holds Shelf.
- Looking for a new release or a bestseller? Bestsellers, new releases, and downloadable items are usually unavailable through ILL. You can place a hold on our newest items before they arrive or suggest a purchase.

Suggest a Purchase
Let us know about an item you’d like us to add to the library collection. The Library reserves the right to determine the best way to fill your request, through purchase or Interlibrary Loan, while still delivering the item to you in as timely a manner as possible.
Did you know? You can place holds on our newest books and bestsellers before they arrive at the Library! Browse and search our Coming Soon titles here

Book Clubs: Request Multiple Copies
Fill out the Book Club Request form and we’ll search participating libraries for a copy of your book for each of your club members! Each member may pick up and return their own copy at the Library.