Exam Proctoring and Assignment Support | Estes Valley Library Exam Proctoring and Assignment Support – Estes Valley Library
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Monday–Thursday: 10 AM–8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 10 AM–5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM

The Estes Valley Library provides exam proctoring services by appointment during library hours. 

To meet the needs of our patrons, our Library proctors can also help a patron temporarily install software tools on Library public computers to support assignments for work or school, such as remote file access, drivers, or meeting and webinar services.

Exam proctoring and assignment support cannot be offered on a walk-in basis. We require three or more days’ notice to make sure equipment and trained staff are available during your scheduled time.

The Library can:

  • Provide a space that meets testing guidelines
  • Verify your ID
  • Certify to your test provider that guidelines were followed
  • (Optional) Provide a Windows laptop

and, if needed:

  • Receive exam materials from your school or test provider
  • Provide the test materials to the student at a set time and for the allotted time period
  • Return materials per test guidelines

Fill out the form below to request proctoring and support assistance. The Library will contact you to confirm we can meet your needs and schedule your time.

On your exam date, you will need a photo ID, any materials (calculator, pen and paper, notes) allowed by your school or test provider, and, for online exams, your account passwords, email confirmations, and instructions for test access from your provider.

Request exam proctoring or assignment support

If your test, school assignment, or work commitment has a flexible schedule, leave blank.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Will you need the Library to provide a laptop?
The Library can provide a Windows 11 PC laptop upon request. Library laptops have a webcam and microphone and software (such as Guardian Browser) can be installed if required. Please allow extra time at the beginning of your appointment for software setup and testing.

Additional information

If we are unable to proctor your exam for any reason, we will notify you and your school ahead of time.

Estes Valley Library cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties arising from the testing institution or library technology, nor for any submitted exams lost in transit by a postal system or electronically.

If a weather event occurs and the library must close, library staff will make every effort to contact the student.

Estes Valley Library does not charge for proctoring. The student is responsible for any costs necessary for registration, printing, postage, or mailing supplies.

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